Wednesday, June 11, 2014

One Week In

As of today I've been in Japan for one week! Ahhhh! In some ways it feels like I just got here, but I've also had so much to do and see and met so many new friends that it seems like I've been here for a month already.

We've been quite busy with work, though I'm not at liberty to say very much about it.  I will say that rehearsals are going super well, and I can't wait for us to get this show open to the public. It's still hard to believe that I'm getting paid to perform in something so fun in such an amazing place, and I'm so incredibly grateful to USJ for hiring me as well as my family, friends, classmates, teachers, and directors that have helped me get here. Thanks, y'all!

After rehearsal one afternoon some of us were able to go into the park for just a few hours, and I've gotta say this is an amazing place to work. One big difference I've noticed in Japan compared to the states is that everyone has pride and enthusiasm in their work, no matter what the job is. All the employees at USJ, from the concession stand workers to the people guiding you through the lines in the rides to the janitors to the cafeteria workers, everyone is quick to give you a smile and ready to help if you have a question or even just look confused.

We only had a little while in the park until the rides were closing for the evening, so we mostly just walked around. We did get on the Back to the Future ride, which was super fun. We left the park to have dinner in City Walk, the strip of shops/restaurants right outside the front of the park, where I enjoyed my first Takoyaki, an Osaka staple. It literally translates to fried octopus, but more specifically they are little balls of fried dough with a piece of Octopus inside and covered in various sauces like BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, and some clear sauce that we thought might have celery in it but we really weren't sure.

In the park!

Oh hey, friends!

Heading into the Terminator show/ride. Unfortunately we had to bounce before it started, but... I'LL BE BACK

Some awesome dance/trumpet show on the street in the park

Bethany could not have been happier to find the Peanuts gang

I can't remember why I'm scolding Charlie Brown, but I'm sure he deserved it

Bethany and her soulmate, Snoopy

Back to the Future! So fun!

In line for the ride. I gotta up my selfie game, y'all. This was the best of like four attempts, wahhh.


Here's where the magic happens. The delicious, fried magic.

Octopus. A little chewy but otherwise, I'm a fan

My takoyaki feast. I'm not sure why they gave me so many green onions though.

Om nom nom

It was nice to get just a taste of the park before we start actually working in it. It's my understanding that once we open we probably won't have any chances to go into the park for fun until the busy summer season is over, so we might go once more to get on more of the rides and attractions.

Caught a beautiful sunset on my bike home from the gym


At the train station. I'm a train conductor! And definitely not a child.

Last night was a pretty special night. Every couple of months some of the performers in Kaigandori organize an International Artists Night at local performance venue. Basically it's a cabaret of sorts with singing, instruments, dancing, comedy, etc. It's chance for us to perform outside of our roles at USJ, for others in the house as well as a lot of Japanese fans, who apparently come out to these nights in droves (the place was packed, and even without performing I sort of felt like a celebrity). Obviously those of us who just arrived in Japan recently weren't performing, as this was weeks and weeks in the making, but it was awesome to watch so many talented people in our community bringing their unique skills and personalities to the stage. I can't wait for the next one, whether I'm just watching it again or performing in it myself.

Alright, I've gotta get ready for the day. Until next time!


  1. You are SO busy and it all sounds GREAT! What an amazing adventure! Love you! xoxo We are getting ready for our big move...packing like crazy, juggling 11 closings, booking trucks, hotels, our new apartment. Anyhoo...keep the blogs's so great to see/hear what you are up to! What a fun time of your life!

  2. so great you got to ride Back to the future. they don't have it anymore at universal orlando.. it changed to a SImpson's ride. not as good, IMO.
    I think you'll find at Universal parks, (as in Disney parks) the "employees" are a lot more concientious then in other jobs. I don't know why, it's just the "mark" of these 2 companies. Disney started it and universal followedd suit.. much more than at other theme parks, (like 6 flags. etc.)
    the gatherin of the musicians sounds really fun!
