Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Typhoon and More Nonsense Shirts

Whoooooa I haven't blogged in two weeks! Whoops, sorry errbody! Last week one of my days off was eaten up by auditions for next year's contracts, and a big typhoon hit us this past weekend with heavy rain and wind. I basically didn't do a lot of blog-worthy stuff, but I'm back in action now, and my goal from here on out is a minimum of one post per week.

The view from by balcony during the typhoon

The night after auditions a few of us hit up a beach-themed pop-up bar in the neighborhood called Loco Garden for a few celebratory drinks. I'd been past this place dozens of times but never noticed it, as it's outside but tucked away between two buildings, but I thought it was super cute. Guessing it closes down for the winter, but I'll enjoy it while I still can.

The beach projections on the wall were a nice touch

The bulk of this post documents my continued search for the perfect nonsense English phrase on a shirt or hat. A friend and I spent the afternoon wandering around the Umeda area and found some winners, but the only ones that were crazy enough to buy were women's shirts, so my quest still has not been completed. Still, glad I found some of these, I love them so.

Early on we found a store called Neko Mart (Neko is Japanese for cat). They only sold cat things.

Also the cashiers had to wear cat-ear headbands

Nearly bought this one

How is this a children's toy

One of my faves

Guy is too cool for this shirt

This one was a near winner. It's a women's shirt, but at 500 yen I seriously considered buying it anyway and putting it on my wall or something, but I really wanted something I could actually wear

This one's for you, Caro!

As the afternoon turned to evening we decided to head back home, catching this cool view of the area on our way back to the train

Still love that tons of restaurants have plastic dishes on display, including these countries-themed burgers. That pink stuff on the USA burger is bacon, of course.

Saw this guy in the grocery store, ahhhhhhh

Japanese bread pro: No butts! Japanese bread con: Really hard to find bread that's not gummy white bread. 12 year-old Will would be elated about that, but 24 year-old Will is looking for some hearty wheat bread.

and ME?

Saw a battleship while waiting for the ferry home, not really sure what it was doing there

Mmmmmm, dat view on the way home. Loving live right now, y'all.

Last night was the second International Artists Night since I've arrived, and this time I actually participated! Barely, but it counts; two lovely ladies I work with sang a duet, and I had a few spoken lines as one of their bad dates. Because of our work schedule we couldn't make it for most of the first half of the show, but what I did get to see I quite enjoyed, even more than last time now that I know a lot more people here. There's a lot of talent at USJ and it's nice to see people getting to perform outside of their roles at work. It's a really creative and supportive community here, and next time I'm definitely planning on doing an actual performance of some kind.

Alright, that's it for now. Again, I'm really going to try to not let myself go so long without a post. I can guarantee one next week, because that's when I'll be climbing Mount Fuji! Ahhhh! I'm super pumped about it, so keep an eye out for that one if I don't post again before that. Weeee!

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